Journey Home

This week Nathaniel and I took a much needed trip back home to Victoria. We decided to take the truck and drive the 15 hour journey so that I could take along my air compressor and a few other items that could never fit in our carry-on if we flew (although the flight would have only taken us just over an hour to get home).

The drive from Edmonton to Victoria is beautiful and it reminds me how pretty this country is. These are a few pictures of the scenery we saw as we drove through Jasper...

This guy was HUGE! I'm amazed at all the wildlife we saw on our drive. We saw Elk, Rams, and even a young black bear! I only wish I got a photo of the black bear but he crossed the road as we were driving in an area where there was no place to pull over.

This guy was a major daredevil walking down the road in the oncoming traffic lane....we drove very slowly beside him so traffic would notice and he eventually left road!

I know I'm in Victoria when I can smell the ocean, my heart starts beating faster, and I feel at home again...

It's beauty still amazes me...and each time I come home I grow more and more in love with this place...

I can't wait to share more of our trip home. We were SUPPOSED to leave today to come back to Edmonton but our house sitters were so very kind and said we could stay a few more days! Victoria is overflowing with Antiques and so Jess and I did a marathon of furniture transformations and I'm over the moon with how they turned out! Let's just say when we do drive home our truck is going to be full to the brim with new treasures!


  1. Wow! What great pictures Becky. Victoria is so beautiful, you always remind me never to take it for granted. I'm so happy you are staying a couple days longer, what an awesome surprise. I'm excited for our posts of all our treasures!

    Jess xox

  2. Hey Rebecca! welcome home to BC...Cant wait to see all your treasures! Maybe one day we can have a blogger meet up in Van? Anyhow drive safe on your way the scenery!

    Becks in BC

  3. Awesome pictures. It is one of the most beautiful scenery anywhere in the world. We are so lucky to live in such a gorgeous country. Have fun shopping for all the antiques in Victoria ... it's a haven for lovely things.

  4. that beautiful scenery has me thinking maybe i could overcome my seasonal depression (self diagnosed, teehehehe) and move north! :)

    can't wait to see all of your transformations!

  5. Heck yes we will do a meet up! Would adore that! If you flew in to Abbotsford airport you would be so close to me!!! Would have been so cool if it would have worked out. Next time :) Hope you arrived home safe and sound. Talk soon!

    p.s your sister found my blog! What a doll she is too!

    Becks in BC!

  6. I absolutely love your blog! So much so that it inspired me to start my own! :) Come by for a visit when you have time. Thanks!

  7. I would like to exchange links with your site
    Is this possible?

  8. I would like to exchange links with your site
    Is this possible?


Just so you know I smile EVERYTIME I read one of your comments you left for me!!! Thanks for stopping by to say hello :)