Introducing: Sea to My Heart!

I am SOOOOO super excited to introduce to you my one and only sister Jessica's blog Sea to My Heart! She's not only my sister but my best friend! Since we don't get to live in the same city as each other right now this just seems like another cool way we can stay close! Jess is probably the funniest person I know and she has ALWAYS had fantastic you will see from some of the pics below ( will see what I mean)...

I've always admired my sister's fresh and usually beach inspired style! These are some knobs my sister bought for me not so long ago and she's been dying to see me do something with them! I can't wait either!!

Here are some photos of the inseparable duo over the years...sorry for the poor photo quality the photos are old  a little rustic :)

If you get a chance to stop by and check out her brand new blog I promise if she doesn't hook you with her amazing style she will eventually make you laugh!!! :)


  1. Thanks for sharing, I will have to check her blog out. You girls are both beautiful!!

  2. how sweet, you both are so beautiful! My sister is also my best friend so I know exactly how you mean. Heading over to her blog now...

  3. Aw, YAY! What a great (extra!) way to stay in touch! I hear you on the best friend sister is my bestie too.

  4. am i REALLY this lucky?!?! :) she commented on my blog (what a doll) and i'm headed over to follow her now. :)

  5. Thanks ladies!!! I'm so glad there are so many other sister-best-friends out there too! I am so happy you all checked out her blog :) So far she's LOVING the blog world!!!


Just so you know I smile EVERYTIME I read one of your comments you left for me!!! Thanks for stopping by to say hello :)