House Tour...Nantucket Style!

Everyone likes a good house tour now and then, right?? Well the other day while in Victoria we went over to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a salmon BBQ dinner (actually my Dad and Uncle caught the fish on a recent fishing retreat they had gone on a few days before). It was nice because nearly everyone on my Dad's side of the family lives in Victoria so we were able to see them all, it was almost like a family reunion!

My Aunt and Uncle live in one of my all time favorite houses and I only WISH I had before pictures because they originally bought this place for the property and not the very small fixer-upper home that existed. Shortly after they bought the place they tore it down to the bare bones and built a new dream home onto it! It was actually featured a few years ago in a local magazine...wish I could remember the name of it off the top of my head!

My Aunt did have some help from a local architect with the design but she has amazing taste and I know the Cape-Cod/Nantucket style was all her idea! It's like East Coast meets West Coast!

I kinda sprung it on my Aunt that I was taking some pictures for my blog and so she didn't have any time to tidy... so I kept the photo tour short and limited it to only a few of my favorite rooms...although they are all beautiful!

I love their painted risers and the huge round knobs on the railing!

I dream about a home one day with tons of windows and light like these ones!

I love the nautical style in their home...very East Coast! Their home is filled with galley windows and the smell of ocean air!

I'm even in love with their door LOL

The round and oval windows are my favorite!

Heck I'd even settle on living in their garage :)

As if I could love their home even more??? Well take a look at what's across the street...

Yes, they own a little piece of the perfect view :)

I hope you enjoyed looking at their home and their style!


  1. A gorgeous home! I'm thrilled, we have the same living room rug!

  2. Lovely house tour! Fantastic windows and what a view! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I would {LOVE} to come be your personal slipcover-er! (for the right amount of money, of course. LOL)

  4. i'm speechless! ok, not really since i ALWAYS have something to say but man is that house breathtaking. and, their leather furniture looks uh-mazing with light gray walls and white white white trim and accessories. makes me hate my large leather sofa a little less. :) thank YOU for that!

  5. Until last week, I LIVED in Victoria and I totally remember this house. Confession: I use to drive by it all the time just to admire it. The magazine it was featured in was Boulevard, and I think in Island Homes. I have it somewhere in one of these boxes....

  6. ...We have relatives on Ten Mile Point ...& I believe this is there??...anyway..I am glad I found your blog I will put it on my roll...!


Just so you know I smile EVERYTIME I read one of your comments you left for me!!! Thanks for stopping by to say hello :)