Fridays just became more FUN!!!

I am SO very excited about Holly's Fresh Coat FRIDAYS!

So here is my submission...Nathaniel's Mom actually built him this little side table when he was a teen :) It's very well built and since it's going to be with us for a long time I thought I'd make it a little more our style... I've been itching to use the truck again to go find a new piece but I've promised myself to do all the pieces I currently have before I can go out and get another!

I fell in LOVE with the hardware on one of Holly's recent furniture reinventions and so I thought I might try the same pulls on this little guy!

I even made my first attempt at notching my own key-hole...It turned out a teeny bit crooked but I decided I kinda like it and it adds a little charm...

I really love the chunky hardware...when I first saw them on Holly's blog I fell in LOVE...I think this is the FIRST piece I've done where I picked the hardware BEFORE I even knew what I'd be painting LOL!

I know it's hard to tell because my walls are so grey but the dresser itself is actually painted a soft grey and not white...

Another bonus about doing pieces we already have is that we have a spot for it hee hee! I'm not going to lie...I've recently been looking on real estate websites to find a bigger home...I would HOARD furniture projects if I could (and I need more room!!!)...somebody stop me :)...

I can't wait to check out everyone's submissions and I'm sure I'll get a ton of new inspiration!!! I'm already thinking of my next project for next Friday!!!


  1. GAH! Rebecca! I love this! I definitely need a breakdown of what you did! what steps did you follow? WONDERFUL JOB!

  2. found you from LITFL...what a transformation!! my husband and i were just talking last night about how much money you save from remaking furniture yourself...your piece looks gorgeous and so high-end but i'm sure you saved a bundle getting creative yourself!

  3. I found you through Holly's Fresh Coat Fridays. I love your side table. The hardware is just gorgeous!

  4. It's gorgeous! The hardware is amazing too.

  5. I love that hardware! and your piece came out really beautiful! love the distressing.

  6. Amazing! i thought i was looking at Holly's pics until I realized they were yours! your side table turned out beautiful! you should give a tutorial!

  7. I love it! I agree about the add so much character! Great job!

  8. I LOVE Fresh Coat Fridays too! Holly was kind enough to post my project and I have already made about 10 new friends!

    And can I just say, not just this piece, but your entire life-that you blog about-is just oh so cute!

    I think it is just very retro that women are so proud of their homes and the lives they are creating in their home for themselves, their family, and friends!

    Let's hear more!

  9. Love the new hardware! And the white sure gives it a fresh look. I would say it is a keeper!

  10. LOVE it! I am dying to come by and see all your latest decorating projects Rebecca. I always love transforming family pieces because it is a win-win, you get a nice piece that matches your home and your family doesn't feel offended when you shove their furniture in the basement LOL

  11. Wow! I love it. Where are the pulls from?

  12. Great Job Becky! This is so nice. I want tables like this for my side tables...only skinnier because we don't have much room. Where are you going to put it? When are you gonna use the knobs I bought you :( I have been eagerly checking your blog to see them on something.
    Love you

  13. This looks amazing! Love the pulls you cute!
    Hugs, Sherry

  14. It's gorgeous! That hardware IS fabulous, isn't it?! Just the perfect amount of distressing - love!

    Kacey (via Life in the Fun Lane)

  15. Whoa!~ Hey your back!! I missed your posts, you and Holly are two peas in a pod :)

  16. love the hardware. i need some for my desk. where did you get these? too cute.

  17. Rebecca, this looks fantastic!!

    I loved those pulls as well when I saw Holly used them. Guess I need to get me over to Lee Valley!

  18. Thanks so much guys!! I honestly have a project lined up for every fresh coat friday in the next decade hee hee!
    Inspired by you & Risa~ the pulls are from the same place Holly got hers...Lee Valley Tools! I am seriously like a kid in a candy store there!
    Becky~ I really kept it super priming or sanding or anything...I filled the holes with epoxy wood putty (waited an hour and then sanded the putty off), then mixed my own paint colour from some stuff I had around the house...sprayed the whole piece twice...gently sanded and distressed...then sprayed clear varnish to seal it all up...and then fastened the new hardware and voila! The little key hole I did with my drill and then I hammered in a metal keyhole from Lee Valley Tools (crooked of course lol)


Just so you know I smile EVERYTIME I read one of your comments you left for me!!! Thanks for stopping by to say hello :)