Its Been Awhile

Not too long ago I fell in love with Holly's idea of a collection of beach and ship paintings that she was planning for her staircase. I thought something along the lines of this would work really well for our nantucket style master bedroom I'm slowly working on! Nathaniel actually surprised me with the first painting on a trip to Victoria right before his looked so lonely on the wall all by itself and so I knew I needed to add a few more. Most of the other ones I actually found on etsy! Another new update for our master bedroom is a dresser that I actually painted waaaaay back in the summer. You might remember it....does this look familiar?

Well here it is now in our paint job, new hardware, and I aged it a bit! I like it SO much more!

The other day I received a package in the mail (I love mail) and I was SO HAPPY to see it had come all the way from Afghanistan!!! Nathaniel sent me this gorgeous antique mirror he bought for me there!

Here is a closer view of the oil painting Nathaniel surprised me with in October...its an original by one of his best friend's Dad...I just love the stormy skies!

I also wanted to say a BIG thank you for two beautiful new milk glass pieces I now have in my growing collection....this one is from Holly! it has a Hollywood Regency vibe to it as Holly pointed out! I thought it was so cool when I discovered my Glade 3-wick candle fits perfectly in it!When I light it the candlelight glows pretty!

And this one from Nathaniel's Mom Deb! She sent me some of my favorite black licorice candies to put in it...but I ate them all already :)

I thought I'd also give everyone a little update on my soldier! He is doing well...he says he's lost about 20lbs and is being worked like a rented mule lol! Here is a pic of him on skype from a few nights ago!

I love you babe!

I hope everyone is doing well...I'm really sorry about the lack of blog posts...exams and term papers have been keeping me pretty busy these days. I'm pretty excited to catch up on all my favorite blogs! I'm sure that will keep me even more busy after this semester ends!


  1. LOVE IT ALL! I am also glad to hear that your husband is well.

  2. I was hoping everything was okay, and I'm glad to see you back! How sweet of him to find a mirror and send it from Afghanistan--that will really be something to treasure. And the milk glass your MIL gave you looks like one Eddie Ross has--nice!

  3. the dresser looks amazing. I love the sea inspired wall. Your hubby looks good. Glad that he is doing well.

  4. your dresser is totally unrecognisable!!!! fantastic!!! you sound like you are doing well without your man! take care - Rachael:)

  5. I also have a ship collection - I adore them! The room is so gorgeous now & I'm glad to hear your hubby is doing well! Take care!

  6. Hi Rebecca, I'm so glad that your doing good. Great picture of Nathaniel. I love all the pictures of the sail boats, makes me home sick of our home town.I love the new milk glass pieces that you have,soo pretty. Take care my friend.

  7. Rebecca! So excited to read your message that I inspired you to do a blog post because oh how we love your posts my dear. My heart aches for you having to miss your hubby but how utterly romantic that your sweet soldier is away at war, protecting his family and families alike all across the country and yet, you are in his heart and on his mind lovely. I can only imagine what those skype conversations, just seeing his face, and what a simple beautiful little mirror means to you. That mirror I imagine will be a memory that lasts a lifetime. God bless you both. As for your room... stunning. That dresser? Rebecca, it's fabulous! I have to ask what color you used? I am HORRIBLE with paint color choices and now that I've convinced hubby to (let me) paint our master furniture, I'm stressin' about the color choice but lord knows I love me some gray! I can't wait to see your nantucket inspired bedroom. Are you changing your bedding? If so, I might just have a little something for you. ;) Thanks for the kitchen compliments... I've since changed the curtains to the "Lenda" panels from Ikea you used in your dining room and man do I love them! Ok, maybe I should've just emailed you, I sure had alot to say. Lol. Take care of yourself beautiful and send big warm hugs from all of us over to your soldier that we are ALL proud of.

  8. Hi Rebecca!! Nathaniel is sooo sweet to send you so many lovely surprises!! And I am happy that he is doing well, even if he is feeling like a mule LOL. Your dresser is completely, unrecognizably stunning!!! I LOVE your hardware choice!!! And the paintings are seriously making me VERY jealous LOL. Everything, as always, is lovely. Can't wait until tomorrow!

  9. Oh, so good to hear from you...I was getting a bit worried!

    The dresser looks fab, what a complete change!!! And the milk glass on top is just devine...and all the more meaningful, as gifts from loved ones. I like the paintings too, lovely colours for a bedroom.

    Glad to hear all is well with Nathaniel, and such a gorgeous gift he sent too.

  10. What lovely things you've received and I totally love the dresser! You and Holly have inspired me to redo an ugly old dresser in my bedroom. Keep up the good work! Your hubby looks great and I pray for his safety.

  11. wow, your dresser and ship collection is gorgeous! the paint looks almost like a grey-white color!!

  12. Oh rebecca, so glad you are back! LOVE the dresser. Very beautiful.
    Glad your hubby is doing well...
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Becky in BC :)

  13. Hey Rebecca! So glad to see a post from you tonight! Love, love, love the gray dresser! Those handles are FANTASTIC! Glad to hear your hubby is safe, how awesome he was able to send you that mirror! Sweet! ~mary~

  14. I have loved you blog. Tell your husband thank you!!! My husband was in the USMC. Now my son is in the USMC reserves.
    I wanted to tell youI have a mirror and brush set just like yours! Well almost it's gold. It has the mirror and two brushes. I'll try to post it to my blog later this month. again thank you to your man and to you for standing wih him.

  15. Wow, you dresser is stunning. Reminds me of Anthro.

  16. What a stunning and gorgeous bedroom you've done! Seriously beautiful! I love your milk glass, too! I've gotten quite a collection in the last few months by scouring my local thrift stores, it's always such a rush to find a nice piece! LOL
    Glad to hear your hubby is doing well. I am a former military wife (hubby went to Bosnia, but not Afghanistan). He's out now, and we're living back int he Okanagan after being posted in both Gagetown and Edmonton.
    Anyways. again.. BEAUTIFUL work with the decor.. I ADORE it!

  17. Love your blog! I'm sure the holidays will be a bit lacking without your man. My bro was in Iraq the past 2 Christmases (he's home now) so hang in there!!

  18. Hey Becky,
    I love that mirror Nathaniel sent you. He is so thoughtful and he knows your style perfectly...not many husbands can pick something so unique. Your room looks great! I got to see it with my own eyes :) Love you and can't wait to see you. I miss you tons. Love from your little sis

  19. Amazing! I love what you've done with the dresser and your art wall is great!

    { Lindsey }

  20. It's perfect! I'm happy to hear your husband is doing well! :)

  21. I just stumble on your onto your blog. Love it. God bless Nathan. lulu

  22. Love your blog! I'm sure the holidays will be a bit lacking without your man
    kobe beef

  23. I just found your blog through Holly's blog! I have an oil painting of a ship we found at a thrift store for $7 and were thrilled when it turned out to be worth closer to $300! I've been playing with the idea of making a wall of ships, since we've found others since, but this definitely made me want to give it a whirl!

    And I have that exact milk glass piece with the Hollywood Regency vibe. It's currently housing one of my succulents. (I love the milk glass paired with the green of plants!)


Just so you know I smile EVERYTIME I read one of your comments you left for me!!! Thanks for stopping by to say hello :)