Our Red Letter Day

If you are wondering where I have been this past week, I was enjoying my last few moments with my husband Nathaniel before his deployment for Afghanistan. Actually Halloween fell on the day before Nathaniel's departure. I was so fortunate to have my Mom, sister Jessica, Dad and Leah all fly out to Edmonton to give me some much appreciated moral support. We had a lot of laughs and fun. We all had planned to have a pumpkin carving contest only to discover that ALL the grocery stores in Edmonton were sold out of pumpkins!!!! AHHHH! So what did we resort to? Well, we carved watermelons, honey dew melons, and pineapples. Lets just say we got quite the cool reaction from all the little trick-or-treaters! Here is a photo of Nathaniel and me on Halloween dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf (in Grandma's clothes):

Here is our front grave-yard and one of our fruit pumpkins!

Here are just a few photos of me and Nathaniel saying "see you later" to each other. It was a hard, hard day. I'll spare everyone the really emotional photos. I'm doing my very best to keep extra busy and think positively to pass the time. We are SO proud of him.

Here he is about to head out the doors

But he came back for one last kiss :) I love you

Thank you for looking,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween
And I just wanted to also take a moment to thank everyone for all the positive thoughts and prayers for his safe return! I am SO grateful for this.


  1. Oh Rebecca, I feel for you! Just looking at those pics brought tears to my eyes.

    Sending positive thoughts and vibes for his safe return, from across the world!

    Take care and keep busy!

  2. I got the biggest lump in my throat reading your post! I so admire you and your handsome hubbie's bravery and sacrifice! I will pray that time flies for you two!
    Lots of hugs!
    PS: Adore your costumes and fruity pumpkins!

  3. awww stay strong girl! Don't forget you have a blog family here too :) My husband is a former Marine but I was lucky enought to not have him deploy while we were together. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. Just stay positive and strong for him cause I'm sure your his rock :) I LOVE the fact that you decorated fruit instead of pumpkins! Too cute! At least you had a good Halloween :) Take care

  4. I'll be thinking of you, your husband, and your family. **hugs**

  5. How strong you must be! Thank God for such a supportive family, and know that he'll be home soon! I'm so thankful to have people like him fighting for my freedom. Thank's for sharing such an intimate moment in your life--My thoughts are with you!

  6. I can't imagine how tough his deployment is! It brought tears to my eyes just reading about it! Lots of prayers coming your way!

  7. This day came too soon! We're sending lots of happy thoughts and prayers your way. And Rosie's right--keeping busy makes the time pass twice as fast. (haha--I hope he's prepared to come back to a nicely made over home!) Best to you both!

  8. Seeing those pictures makes me teary. We are all so very proud of him and just know that you have lots of support from your blog friends.

  9. Chills...You and your husband are on my prayer list. Bless him for what he does!!
    all the best...

  10. Rebecca, I've been thinking about youso much and just waiting (impatiently) for a new blog post. :)

    I too got tears in my eyes over the picture of you two hugging so tightly. You're just as strong and admired as your hubby seems to be while he helps to protect the rest of us and our families. I love that you all say "see ya later". That's what we use around our house too. :)

    Keep yourself busy, and remember that we're all here to lend our strength and support while Nathaniel is away. You're both in my thoughts and prayers!

    :) Amanda

  11. My husband deployed back in September 2008 for seven months when he was in the Marines. I feel your pain and will never forget how it feels to be apart. But the time will fly by! Stay busy, busy, busy!! Thinking of you. =)

  12. Oh I feel so sad for you! It must be one of the hardest things to ever go through. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your hubbie.

  13. I was just on my daughters blog Spice it up and your blog name caught my eye. I would like to THANK your husband for what he is doing for our country and keeping us all safe.In my prayers for his safe return home. Bless you both.

  14. Awww, you've got me tearing up too! My thoughts are with you both!

  15. My parents are both retired military, and growing up on the Northside of Edmonton myself, I've had my fair share of boyfriends/friends go overseas myself. I admire your strength as an army wife!

    Put your heart into getting us fantastic blog posts each day, and the time will fly by!

    Wishing him a safe return!

  16. Your husband will be in our thoughts and prayers. Keep doing your wonderful projects and make sure Holly and your friends take you shopping and do lots of girls nights out. Your husband will be home before you know it! :O)

  17. Rebecca,
    Thinking of you and how difficult this must be. I cannot even begin to imagine...Huggs to you xo

  18. I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone!!!! I really feel like I do have a blog family with all of you and I am so grateful for all the kind words, thoughts, and prayers! Honestly it really really made a huge impact on me to read all your wonderful comments. And I know Nathaniel will hopefully get a chance to read them too!
    I am just spending the rest of this week with my sister before she leaves to go back to Victoria and then I'll get going on many more new blog posts!

  19. { I'm sorry I'm late on this.}

    I don't know you in real life, R, but I do know that it takes a strong woman to do what you do.

    I thank your husband with all my heart for doing what he does, so that we all can live the lives that we do.

    Thinking of you and praying for his safe return! =]

  20. Hi Rebecca,

    Thank you for sharing this post.
    I'm sending a great big, huge, gigantic, virtual hug today!
    I hope you're doing okay over there in your neck of the woods- and I hope your husband is hanging in there too. It may feel like an eternity before he comes home, but it really will be over before you know it. I look forward to seeing the homecoming photos- I'm sure they'll make me cry just like these going away ones did though! :-)

    Stay busy and Have a Happy Weekend,

  21. I'm reading this post late, but it is never too late to send a prayer both to you and your brave soldier.


Just so you know I smile EVERYTIME I read one of your comments you left for me!!! Thanks for stopping by to say hello :)