Vintage Printable

Last night when I got home from work I convinced Nathaniel to go for a short walk out to the mailbox to see if any mail had arrived. To my excitement my monthly subscription to Canada's Style At Home had come! As I was dozing off reading it in bed I noticed the lovely artwork they had displayed on a photo of an office wall (pg 70 & 71, the decorating high/low feature).

I flipped the page to see if I could find a source for the artwork and I was super excited when I saw that the artwork was 18th century prints from a FREE online source!!!! Yes FREE! You can download those prints featured as well as many more (hundreds) for free at Vintage Printable . They have so many prints to choose from...anything from botanicals to animals, anatomy, astronomy, antique maps and marine life. They also had a cool gallery for Halloween prints and other holidays. Here are a few of my favorites I saw....

this is a 1675 German version of the world map

these are two of the 8 mushroom prints they had featured in Ikea frames in the magazine spread

The site is under maintenance and has a few quirks to sort out but overall I found it to be a great source for some free vintage prints! I actually found the easiest way to navigate the site was to scroll down and on the right is a list of all the galleries.


  1. OMG! What an incredible thing to have found! THank you so much for sharing...will have to head over there tonight from some downloading...I feel and Ikea frame adventure coming on!

  2. What a score of a sight! I am going to have to find some time to do some printing. So cool!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! I have been looking for some vintage prints but didn't want to spend the extra $$...can't beat free!! Please post pics if you do something with them.

  4. Free is the best thing ever. And these are great, so awesome find!

  5. Thanks for sharing! That is a great find!!

  6. this is exactly why blogs are awesome. i JUST posted about wanting to do this the other day ( and i'm so excited to have a great source now!! thanks!

  7. Oh wow, that's fabulous! Free sounds good to me! Thanks for the source!

  8. Hey Rebecca!
    Thanks for stopping by my little 'ol blog! If only I lived closer to you and Holly...oh the shopping trips we would have! ;o) Holly is a total rock star, by the way. I first found you when you did your post on kitchen cabinets. I just did mine, a task, but so worth it in the end. Love watching your keep up the inspiration!

  9. hi lovely. ...cute new autograph. :)

  10. I agree with everything Mrs. H said. I've been hunting for some myself, but am also on a married-student budget for a little longer, so this was awesome! I'd also love to see what creative way you use them. If I print some out, I may do like Holly and te-tint them just a bit for more fake visual 'authenticity.'

  11. Thank you for these images. I shared it on my Tuesday's Guest Freebies and with 1790 followers of my Free Digtal Scrapbook board on Pinterest. Thank you.


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