Can't wait to cook under Holly's Custom Kitchen Hood Vent!

The other day I tried Holly's DIY Hood Vent from her blog! And let me tell you, I think she deserves an award for this SWEET idea!! Her instructions are so easy to follow...even for the not-so-handy (me) and I am oh so excited about how much better our kitchen looks because of it!

I learned something about myself doing this project...I am TERRIBLE at measuring things. I can't tell you how many times I had to re-cut the molding and trim. Angles are not my forte! I really want to take a class to learn how to do this well.

For the most part I did the project myself but I did have help for two things. Nathaniel and his friend Dwayne (Dwayne gets most of the credit on this one) cut through our original hood vent which sent sparks flying everywhere!
I'm not gonna lie I was such a chicken about it and hid around the corner.

This is Dwayne hard at work!

Here is a progress shot...wishin' I paid attention during Geometry Class

I already had all the tools required so this project cost me less than $40! And the result is that our kitchen looks like its worth so much more than it actually is!

A HUGE thank you to Holly for sharing this awesome idea!! I could have never even imagined something this cool!
Here is the link to the instructions on her blog:

And here it is! My FAVORITE part of our kitchen makeover!

Can't wait to share the rest of our kitchen do-over in the next day or so!


  1. Love it! I'd love to do something similar, but I think my husband would have a fit! ;)

    Thanks for listing my blog under your favs - totally tickled to see it there! I'll add you to mine as well.

    Great work - keep it up! :)

    Jaime -

  2. I don't think we could ever pull of something like that. Looks awesome!

  3. From the moment I saw this on Holly's blog I've wanted to rip out our over-the-stove microwave and do this but figured I'd somehow make a mess of it. Yours looks b-e-a-utiful!

  4. Looks amazing. I need something like that.

  5. This is GORGEOUS!!! What a great idea!

  6. Ooh, your vent hood is all fancy now!

  7. If we didn't have an OTR microwave, I'd totally be trying this as well!

  8. I'm part of the microwave crew too :( But this looks so classy--great job!

  9. Looks great Becky! You are creating some pretty cool memories too :)

  10. Thanks everyone! we used to have a microwave above our stove in our last Im so glad we didn't here! (even though its very convenient and saves so much space to have it above the stove).

  11. Wow that's amazing. I've searched the internet several times for just this type of project with no success. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind- the controls for my hood are on the front and there is also a vent across the upper front portion. Would I still be able to access the controls and would the vent be able to pull air through?
    You and your husband did an awesome job!

  12. Hi Autum, my controls were on the front as well...if you zoom into the photo of Dwayne cutting the metal part (or look closely) you might be able to see them. The cover I made following Holly's instructions allowed for you to still reach the controls cause you use the measurements of your own cupboards. So the new cover comes out farther than where you have sliced the metal off from your old hood vent (the fan and all controls still remain) you just reach your hand up and under your new cover to reach the controls. As for the other vent you mentioned...maybe if you emailed me a photo I could answer your question better. You could also contact Holly from (this is her fabulous design) she might be able to answer your questions a bit better than me:)

  13. Rebecca,
    Thanks for answering my question. I think I understand now and if the new cover stands out away from the original one enough to allow you to reach the controls, I think it would also allow for air to enter the vented portion. I love you, my husband on the other hand will likely be very annoyed with you for adding one more item to his honey-do list ; ) I'm not about to tackle cutting the front off the old range hood, so he'll be getting that job.

  14. The vent looks great and I also love the feathered head-band you made for Wren on LITFL! It turned out great!

  15. That is so clever! Loving your new blog too!

  16. I just googled Holly's stove hood cover so I could link it on my blog and your blog popped up! I am so glad it did. I've enjoyed reading your posts!


Just so you know I smile EVERYTIME I read one of your comments you left for me!!! Thanks for stopping by to say hello :)