DIY Feather Inspired Napkin Rings and Hair Pieces

Today I woke up and discovered a pile of blue feathers on the floor! I was so worried one of the cats had got a bird but it turns out they had eaten one of my feather hair pieces! Oh man! I loved this thing and it was not cheap! I bought two of them from Urban Outfitters at Christmas and they were $28 each. I gave one to my sister for Christmas and kept the other one for myself. Here is a picture of me at New Years wearing the one I gave to my sister.

Here is what was left of my pretty hair piece! Darn cats!

So I decided to do a little DIY project! Why not try and make one myself? I thought I might as well make a few of them because they would make perfect gifts for my friends (especially for an upcoming wedding I'm going to). I went to our local craft store and picked up some self adhesive felt, some feathers, some jewels, some ribbon & lace, and some clips.

I also used some of my plain headbands I've had for awhile now and never wear.

The feathers were about $4.50 for a package.

These feathers came with a cloth backing already applied! I used this to make a new headband like the ones I've seen in Urban Outfitters.

I cut out tear drop shapes from the felt. I used these as the base for the feather pieces. I liked the self-adhesive because it made sticking the first layer of feathers very easy!

Here are the clips (I got from the drugstore) I used a piece of ribbon to place in between the clip so that I could still open it once its glued on the feather hair pieces.

Here are some of the feather hair pieces I made! I had lots of fun making these!

Nope sneaky kitty you are not going to eat any of these ones!

Another idea is to use these feather pieces for napkin holders! I got these pretty napkin rings from Home Sense on Clearance for $3 each and glued some of the feather pieces to them.

This would also make a pretty hand-made gift for someone! Or be a nice touch for a dinner party.

Hope you like them! I can't wait to make some more! Now that I've had my first go at it I might try and make some more intricate looking ones next time!


  1. Wow Rebecca! You are so talented and I am so proud of you.
    I hope I get one of them as a gift he he

  2. Good job on the Hair pieces and napkin holders..keep an eye on those cats!!

  3. These are really pretty :) They remind me of that one girl from Project Runway who wore something similar on her head.

  4. Holy Cow!!! Those are GORGEOUS!!! I, too, paid $30 for an Urban Outfitters headband and still can't believe I did. Those are STUNNING and you should definitely be setting up shop with an Etsy store.

  5. Loving the pure white ones! I actually just bought a bag of white feathers the other day to start a little project I have in mind!

  6. Feathers are such an underappreciated accent. If you decide to sell these on etsy make sure market them for babies too (we will be your first customers!) I made a less-glam one for my Eloise for the 4th of July and it was a huge hit! Here is a pic:

    Lots of luck!

  7. Hi there! I'm just stopping over from Holly's blog to say hi! You are off to such a great start, and I hope you stay with it. LOVE the living room transformation! Good luck with everything!

  8. Came across your blog thanks to "life in the fun lane". I'll have you know, I've religiously checked hers everyday and have only commented in an attempt to win a "family tree" necklace. However, I just had to say the headband you're wearing in the photo, (the same one you're trying to keep away from the little kitty) is an "I want one!" item. How oh how could I make that happen? Great living room btw. =)

  9. Coming via 'Life in the Fun Lane' -

    I love those headpeices..they are stunning! You are so clever.

    Your home is gorgeous too, and your pretty kitchens inspiration folder looks just like mine - seriously, I have so many of those same pics! Good luck with the new blog!

  10. great job. you have an eye for style!

  11. These's are so cute- Love your blog! I'm now a follower-

    Thanks for checking out my blog & Website!

    Have a lovely Day!

    ~ Kelly Ann ~

  12. I just clicked over via Holly's blog, after adoring her photos with she and Wren sporting your gift. I think the two you gave them are some of your prettiest.
    I was really wanting to buy a similar one from you, and was super pleased to see you gave a generouse how-to, so until you are officially offering them for sale, thanks very much for the easy instructions...I think I'll have a go at making one myself!

    Happy Day :)

  13. PS- What did you use for the glue? a glue gun, something normal like elmers, or something a little sturdier? Thanks so much!

  14. Please start selling these on Etsy - I would love to be one of your first customers. This isn't something I thought about wearing but now I'm dying.

    Glad I found your blog through "Life in the Fast Lane".

  15. Thanks everyone! I would love to start selling them but I don't really know where to start! I start school again this week and am going away this weekend to I promise I'll look into this next week and let everyone know! How exciting!
    Krystal, I used a glue gun! And clear glue sticks. Since you glue the jewel medallion on top of where the feathers are glued to the felt base, it makes it pretty seamless and not easy to see any of the glue! Let me know how it turns out!

  16. where do you get your feathers, they're beautiful!!!!


Just so you know I smile EVERYTIME I read one of your comments you left for me!!! Thanks for stopping by to say hello :)